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Tag: string

Store large amount of data in Javascript

Im receiving some file chunks in bytes format from my server and im collecting them into one variable in my frontend to download it later. And I can’t change my server conception (receiving a file sliced into chunks). My problem is that if the file is heavy (from 500MB), my variable length is starting to be very very big and

Find and detect a pattern in a string

I’m looking for a function that detects repeated patterns on a string, for example, if the input is: it should return true as there are many times repeated “Hello” or “Hello this is a repeated pattern” I have tried something like this: but that will only detect if the text contains the same character many times. Any idea or suggestion?

how do I create a string with an escaped open parens?

consider the following So, how do I set s to ‘(‘? Answer You don’t. You’re confused about the value of a string and its representation (whence Python repr() function). A parenthesis is not a special character in a JavaScript string, so it will never be escaped in its canonical “code” representation. Therefore you will never make a string whose representation

why doesn’t this work? it’s a simple console log inside a loop [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 9 months ago. Improve this question the output gives nothing. why is it this way? I want it to
