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Tag: string

Get numbers of difference in two strings javascript

i have two string I want to find diff in these two string for example in this scenario it is 2 Answer I’m presuming the strings need to be compared based on the comma separations, but to be fair there isn’t enough details in the question… Split the strings by comma Apply the above function to both strings, and compare

Using maps over template literals

so I need to print a boolean value if the given string contains [[placeholder:var3]] but the var3 will be dynamically fed from an array as belwo: I tried using map around the template literals but it is throwing me an error also tried like above eg but it checks only first value of the array, so can someone please help

How to convert html content in to one string

let html=”Some data some more data with some other data need to convert into string ” I want it should be become a single string like str=”Some data, some more data, some other data, need to convert into string”; This I need in Reactjs functionality. In comment section I have shared the details more Answer You can use a regex
