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Tag: string

Convenient way to wrap long SQL statements in javascript

In python, one can use “”” to wrap long MySQL statements. For example, However, if I try the same thing in javascript, there will be syntax error. Is there some kind of javascript equivalent for python’s “””string encapsulation? If no, what are some best practices for encapsulating a long MySQL string statement in javascript? I am using node.js restify client.

Replace every nth character from a string

I have this JavaScript: I aim to replace every fourth letter in the string abcdefoihewfojias with |, so it becomes abc|efo|….etc,but I do not have a clue how to do this. Answer To support re-usability and the option to wrap this in an object/function let’s parameterise it:

Trim specific character from a string

What’s the JavaScript equivalent to this C# Method: C# trims the selected character only at the beginning and end of the string! Answer One line is enough: A general solution: Parameter c is expected to be a character (a string of length 1). As mentionned in the comments, it might be useful to support multiple characters, as it’s quite common

Use dynamic (variable) string as regex pattern in JavaScript

I want to add a (variable) tag to values with regex, the pattern works fine with PHP but I have troubles implementing it into JavaScript. The pattern is (value is the variable): I escaped the backslashes: But this seem not to be right, I logged the pattern and its exactly what it should be. Any ideas? Answer To create the

Isolate part of a string from index to next whitespace?

What’s the best way to do this solve for this next whitespace? result: things Answer You could do the whole thing with a regular expression: What that does is match an exclamation point, followed by some amount of non-whitespace (that’s what S means — s with a lower-case “s” matches whitespace, and upper-case “s” is the opposite). The non-whitespace match

Extract substring by utf-8 byte positions

I have a string and start and length with which to extract a substring. Both positions (start and length) are based on the byte offsets in the original UTF8 string. However, there is a problem: The start and length are in bytes, so I cannot use “substring”. The UTF8 string contains several multi-byte characters. Is there a hyper-efficient way of
