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Tag: character-encoding

Converting from a Uint8Array to a string and back

I’m having an issue converting from a particular Uint8Array to a string and back. I’m working in the browser and in Chrome which natively supports the TextEncoder/TextDecoder modules. If I start with a simple case, everything seems to work well: const uintArray = new TextEncoder().encode(‘silly face demons’); // Uint8Array(17) [115, 105, 108, 108, 121, 32, 102, 97, 99, 101, 32,

Extract substring by utf-8 byte positions

I have a string and start and length with which to extract a substring. Both positions (start and length) are based on the byte offsets in the original UTF8 string. However, there is a problem: The start and length are in bytes, so I cannot use “substring”. The UTF8 string contains several multi-byte characters. Is there a hyper-efficient way of

what encoding this is?

can anyone tell me what encoding is applied on the chinese character, so that chinese characters are converted into this code or text and stored in mysql database : original chinese characters which are displayed in web page : on the web page there is a header function is used to make standard chinese chars as follow: Thanks… Answer When
