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Tag: state

setState for react function component not updated my state

I’m setting state for start and end date of checkin and checkout date. I got validDateRange which is an array of valid date and length. Try to set the state of total to the length of array multiply with the price of the room but somehow react not updating my total state. The log of totalCost is totally true Answer

How to update nested array in React state?

I am trying to update my state so that a nested array gets emptied but the rest of the state stays the same. My state object looks like: And I the closest I get to working is: The console warning I get with this approach is: But how else is this possible? Many thanks 🙂 Answer The first problem I

Creating unique key props for array children (React.js)

I am trying to build out a component in React which takes information from a JSON source, and uses some of that information to create states which can be passed down into other separate components. While I haven’t passed my states into separate components yet, I have been able to get my state to update with the information from the
