I’ve been working on a project with my team for about a week and we still haven’t been able to get websockets to work. We’re running the whole server on our own machines for testing purposes and we’re unsure if it’ll be hosted on an HTTPS server in the future. Using springboot we’ve been able to make all the basic
Tag: spring-boot
Axios Request returns 404 even though URL is valid and the API functions correctly [closed]
Closed. This question is not reproducible or was caused by typos. It is not currently accepting answers. This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers. Closed 9 months ago. Improve this question
Disable multiple buttons even after refresh in javascript and thymeleaf
The problem I have multiple buttons that are connected to db to keep count of the clicks. They are in a column and each time you click on one, the value associated with that button increments by one. The database table looks like this: What I want is: when you click on any button it should disable all the buttons
Chrome not saving cookies in localhost
I know this has been asked before but none of the solutions named work. I am using Spring boot and React for my webapp, and need to set cookies on the website. I am developing and testing using Google Chrome. When I get the response from the server, the cookie is present and visible. However it is not saved in
I’m trying to use Javascript Fetch rest API in spring boot project by catogeryId
Hi im trying to get rest api data on html page by javascript fetch but i cant be able to fetch url categoryId can anyone help me out. Ill be so thank full of them.this is my Html page where i fetching my data This is my rest controller from where i m getting my data Answer As im already
Is there any way to do stratergic loading of component at runtime in Angular?
I have this application where I do rest call to a server and receive a JSON response which contains the name of an particular UI setting. Let’s assume the data received from server is as follows, Response :- There can be multiple UI settings like ui-type-two, ui-type-three and so on. Is there any way in angular to decide which component
Can you please let me know why the following javascript code is not always hitting in the following simple index.html?
I am following https://spring.io/guides/tutorials/spring-boot-oauth2/ and reference to source code is https://github.com/spring-guides/tut-spring-boot-oauth2/tree/main/click. But you don’t need to understand the full code. I have one basic question. Basically whenever I am loading the page the callback method in $.get(“/user”, function(data) { is not always hitting. What does the $.get(“/user”) – refers to. Isn’t it mean hitting the /user endpoint provided by the
How to use a select element to insert a Thymleaf fragment?
I want to use an HTML select element to change which thymeleaf fragment is displayed. the html code: The javascript code: when the selection is changed i want the div element with the id “algParams” to display a different thymeleaf fragment. When i run it, it shows this in the page elements when i inspect the page. which is the
how to transfer data from sun to java
I have a form for sending first and last name to the js index.html I want that when the create user button is clicked, the data is transferred to the backend and the user is created there. i don’t understand how to redirect data from js to java. I use MVC and spring boot Answer Vaniila JS Ajax: You can
Problem with fetching data from Spring Boot API endpoint using Java Script
I work on web application and encountered an issue with fetching data from an endpoint using Java Script. If I type endpoint adres in a browser it works perfectly fine but somehow it does not work in the script. The response.ok is returns False. Here is script: Here is controller: Here is service: What is wrong? If You have any