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Tag: spring-boot

JHipster Entities Menu is Empty after succeed import-jdl

I have just installed JHipster (VueJS) thru docker image, and I imported jdl file directly form And then I ran ./mvnw -P-webpack and also yarn start on the different terminal. Both are works perfectly and app runs on the localhost:8080 thru ./mvnw and also localhost:9000 from npm start. Here is my currentr schemas (From http://localhost:9000/admin/docs) : And here is

Post DTO to Spring Controller, parameters are null

I am trying to Post a list of strings from my Javascript front end to a Spring Boot Controller, for some reason the post happens, but my values are null. Is there anything obviously wrong with my code? Front end: Wrapper: Controller: Debug – Breakpoint: Answer Annotation requestbody is used for restful applications & modelattribute for web are mixing
