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Tag: single-page-application

Single-page-application with HTMX, URL browsing history and manual reloading of a page

I have an application with fixed header and footer (it is important that they are not reloaded when we navigate through pages). I use HTMX. The attribute hx-push-url allows to have browsing history through the pages: we can use the “back” and “forward” buttons, and it works as expected: index.html: newpage1: newpage2: After having clicked on “Go to newpage1” button,

Unable to expose a public page referenced in an email to let users reset their password in a Vue JS, Node JS and Mongo db website structure

I’m working on a Vue JS, Node and Mongodb website with user management features. I implemented a “Reset Password” functionality: a user can access his profile page, press the reset password button and this will trigger a node functionaly, which is gonna send him an email containing a URL link pointing to a Vue JS component exposed to the public

Detect an URL change in a SPA

I would like to listen to path changes in a SPA which is not maintained by me. I found one solution here: But still, it seems kind of “hacky” to me – but still my implementation is like this: Is there a better or more generic way to listen for page loads in a SPA? Answer This did

Vue.js bind to a class according to a condition

With this div declaration: that I build accordingly to: But the binding isn’t working (the class ‘highlight’ never applied regardless of the currentPage value). I have this model where there is the currentPage variable keeping track of the active page: How can I activate the binding of a class on an element, based on the string value of a
