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Tag: shiny

render javascript component (ag-grid) in r shiny

I am trying to include the most basic example of ag-grid from their website in a R-shiny application, starting from there I will add more and more trying to setup a proper communication frontend-backend on data edit. However I am stuck at the basics of the inclusion. The component is included in source code but not rendered: This is the

Shiny Custom Hoverable Dropdown

In my app I would like to have a custom html button as a dropdown menu. I want to have the selected option as an input$ variable. It shall then be printed to the console. With my code I am able to detect the click but instead of printing e.g. Link 1 it returns just an empty string. Answer You

How to use the localStorage option for DT in R Shiny?

I want to design a shiny app that allow the users to save their inputs in the local storage, which means when the users reopen the tool with their web browsers, the tool reload the values last time the users provide. This is mainly achieved by the shinyStore package. Below is an example. So far I can use the shinyStore

How to access user input from radio buttons (made with a JS callback) in shiny DT and have different JS elements in one DT?

I am trying to combine two commonly shared JS callbacks into one R datatable shiny app (having radio buttons (see and Extracting user input values from radio buttons in Shiny DT into a dataframe or list) and having nested rows in a child/parent table (see and many other places). Individually they both work, but not together. I am

framework7: broken tab links after stripping worker IDs from URL

shinyMobile’s inst/framework7-5.7.8/my-app.js file has the following code chunk at the top: It appends a random string (the worker ID) to the URL of the app whenever it is not run locally. E.g., https://my_domain/my_app/ becomes https://my_domain/my_app/_w_123456/. This is super annoying, as it prevents search parameters (e.g., ?param=test) from being consistently captured (screencast video). So, I followed the solution found in this
