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Tag: paypal

How to pass order ID to Paypal Button?

I create an order by my php sdk. like this and now i have this order id. but … How to pass order ID to Paypal Button? like this Answer Create two routes on your server, one to create an order (and return the resulting JSON), and one that takes an order id as a parameter and captures it (and

Paypal dynamic value in react js

I need help with my project I want to add a dynamic option to the PayPal payment process. ( change the value to be dynamic ) the default option is value: ‘0.01’ and the dynamic payment in my project is cart.subtotal.formatted_with_symbol I try to add [const {amount} = cart.subtotal.formatted_with_symbol;] this line to try to change the value to value: amount

Integrating PayPal with backend that uses authentication headers

In my backend Node.js code, I use middleware to require authentication so all routes are accessible with authorization header. After payment approval on a PayPal page, the redirection back to the success route happens without this authorization header, so the success route is unfortunately inaccessible. How can this be resolved? Answer The best solution is to not use any redirects.

PayPal checkout buttons JS to PHP [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 1 year ago. This post was edited and submitted for review 1 year ago and failed to reopen the post: Original close reason(s) were not resolved Improve this question I am

Getting trxId from PayPal buttons API when sending the request

I’m working on the integration with PayPal using the Smart Payment Buttons, and I need to catch the trxId generated when the user presses the “Pay With PayPal”, when I print the info on the console, I can see the value I need, but when debugging or trying to get the value of the var, I’m getting undefined all the

PayPal JavaScript SDK – understand security problems on the client-side

I´ve recently implemented the PayPal JavaScript SDK in my Angular 11 project (implementation reference). It seems to work flawlessly, however, I started to think that it might be possible to modify the pricing amount on the client-side. Additionally, there seems to be no further validation on PayPal´s side if the payed amount actually matches the requested amount. Therefore my research
