Sorry for the heavy text. All of my router-views work, except for one, which shows blank. I do not see any console errors of warnings and the format is identical between views – the only difference is the template. This was working, but I started a new project because my package.json and dependencies got messy. I’ve read through the code
Tag: routes
When should I set localStorage in Angular?
I have a list of employee list on EmployeesComponent and there is “Education Overview” and “Salary Overview” buttons for each records. When I click one of the overview button it goes to the OverviewComponent first and then load the correponding component (salary or education) into this OverviewComponent. There is also a “Back” button on each of these salary and education
Navigating to a 404 Route with Reach Router
I have the following routing config: This catches any routes that are not handled, and renders the <NotFound /> component at the URL that wasn’t found, so if I type, I see the <NotFound /> component rendered, and in the address bar I see I also use this URL on the page to display a message: The page
Save a prop when moving away and coming back to page ReactJS
I have a username property that I have passed on from “log in” route to “product list” route using I then have a <Link to={‘/products/${}’}>More info</Link> that sends me from “product list” to an “individual product”. When I then come back to the “product list” <Link to={‘/products’}>Back</Link>, the username is gone. Is there a way to keep the username, so
How to pass custom props and history to Route
How to I get access to the history function when passing custom props to component. If I try getting the history object in Home component, I can’t get to use the history functions. I logged the history object in the console and I can see there’s not push or replace functions anymore. Where as, using this works perfecting except then
Redirect to previous component on button click (React Routing)
I have a react component that renders when i click on a menu option, this page has a form to complete and that’s done, onSubmit i want to redirect it to the component that the user clicked before. I tried to redirect it with Redirect and also using useHistory(), but none of them are working, this is what i did
Heroku custom DNS API route issue in Node.js
I have a custom domain set up in Heroku which works fine. I can access my site using both my app name and custom domain. I can access a route using my standard Heroku URL, but not using the custom domain. For example: Works: Does not work: Server config: Answer I know its too late but I am writing for
Can not read the slug from url on Flow Router (Meteor)
I’m trying to implement a basic route using Flow Router. But no matter what _id of a collection document I request; I always only get the info about the first document in my collection – ‘Requests’. So here’s my route definition in the file /lib/routes.js: Here’s my helper: Here’s my server publish: And here’s the template: What am I doing