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Tag: reactjs

Throwing errors in async await functions and catching from where it’s called

How can we catch error from an async await function from where it’s called? For example, I have a React component which calls a async-await function imported from another module. When I use Promise.reject(“An unknown has occurred”); in that function, so in my React component why can’t I get the error in asyncAwaitFunction.catch((e)=>console.log(e))? I even tried throw “An unknown occured”,

ModuleFederationPlugin remote module is not being loaded

I have two apps. Container. Webpack App.tsx 2nd App. Webpack ./src/portal.tsx It should work smooth. But it is failing because inside of webpack_modules exists webpack/container/reference/usersweb key, but when React.Lazy requiring remote model it is requiring webpack/container/remote/usersweb/Portal which is not added and app crashes. remoteEntry.js loaded properly and I may see userweb object in the console. dependencies versions “react”: “^17.0.2”, “webpack”:

React MaterialUI gets stuck when dragging inside react-beautiful-dnd Draggable?

I’m using react-beautiful-dnd to make some draggable list items using Material UI ListItems. My ListItems have a ListItemText and a ListItemSecondaryAction which is a target (that wraps an icon) for opening a context menu. The problem I’m facing is that when dragging the Draggable, the context menu icon inside the ListItemSecondaryAction moves up a little bit and then freezes, despite

Adding capture button to bottom centre of the capture window

I’m using the react-webcam npm library and currently, the “capture image” button is located at the bottom of the screen as shown here. Capture button default position What I want to do is to get that button to the bottom center of the capture window as I’ve shown here. Area the capture button needs to be added This is my

TypeError: props.render is not a function (React hook form)

I am passing methods as a prop in this form I am making with react-hook-form. Its giving me (TypeError: props.render is not a function) when Controller is added in from react-hook-form. I cannot find any solutions online so any help is appreciated. Answer This problem is arising either because you update your react-hook-form or new to react-hook-form You just need

handling undefined in handleSubmit function

I am running into an issue in my React app with the handleSubmit function as explained below. Brief overview: In order to handle employeeSets and projects for the axios put, I have to put certain arrays related checks as shown below. In a scenario when both employee and project are an array, my control reaches the first if block where

Material-UI: How to add border in TreeView

Here, I have a code in React. I want to show dashed lines on the left of the tree. How can I do that? I need something like this: And, I want to merge the style of TreeView with this code: ] Now, I want TreeView to not show borderBottom at OrganizationalUnitName as ‘A’,’C’ and ‘D’. Because they will be
