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Tag: reactjs

Access props from a closure function within a functional component

I have a very simple React App create using create-react-app. The app displays a single component passing in a value and an onClick callback and incrementshe value when the callback is triggered. The Block component takes a value and a onClick function and displays a square with the value in the centre and calls the onClick whenever the square is

Passing Props to grandchild React

Child: Parent: GrandParent Component: I simply want to pass the method handleButtonChange() from grandParent all the way to child (which is a button), as the button is clicked it triggers the click event which fires up this function making changes in grandparent component(i.e. setting button state) where am i wrong at or this approach is completely wrong I am really

How do I change the route as I scroll?

I’m making my portfolio with fullpage.js and I wanted to add a route every time I get to the next element as I scroll. For example: when I open the page I get the<Home /> element in that section I want to put the router /#home when scrolling to the 2nd element <About /> the router /#about is placed, and
