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Tag: reactjs

How to assign fetched data to React state

I trying to fetch data of an object (in this example from and I’m trying to assign it to state movie. However, when I console it out, it has value undefined (actually, it is consoled out twice, firstly with default values of state and secondly as undefined). How to solve it? Thanks Answer As it seems in the API

Render specific react component based on the URL

App.js Home.js This works perfectly as I want to render the Feed or Search component depending on the URL. But, I want to know is it okay to use location.pathname or is there any better alternative? Answer You could do something like: App.js Home.js This allows you to abstract away the Home component’s dependency on any routing mechanism, and simply

Receiving ERROR #98123 after gatsby develop

I’m receiving this error after I run gatsby develop. I have tried following the steps from Not sure the reason for this error. I have tried gatsby clean, removing files that were giving errors, and utilizing google. I have posted on GitHub and discord, but have not received any updates yet. Any assistance is appreciated. Answer It looks like

How to get parent props from child composition component React

My goal is reduce every letter prop from child (Palata) component, how can i achieve this ? index.js Block.js there is a question, how to pass Block component letter prop as data to Palata component or Palata.js or how to get parent letter prop from inside Palata component? Thanks for help! Answer You can’t access props of parent component. Also
