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Tag: react-redux

Problem in React DropDown list value selection

Iam struggling with a dropdown menu list for my react app. The problem is, I have a API for which one of the key(key3) has comma(,) seperated values which I want to display in my dropdown list. API response looks like this I have created a reducer for this API response and tried to use .map() function for key3 roughly

React Redux, trying to add products to cart

I am trying to add products to shopping cart by storing them in local storage but, they are not getting stored. I looked into Redux-dev-tools and found out my state is not updating: As you can see action is getting fired but my state is not updating: Here is the source code: cartAction.js cartReducer.js store.js CartScreen.js Answer You need to

not able to update state in reactsJs

i am using table input field to update state under map function to render it according to number of elements in the state.But when I used value={item.account} values are not updated in the state.which works fine when I use **value={accountCounter.account} where accountCounter is reactjs hook of type And here is my rendering function here is my handleAccountCounter But the state

Redux createAsyncThunk vs useEffect hook

I’m familiar with react hooks, and i find it really easy to work with useEffect, thunk is very difficult to deal with, can i just use useEffect & axios and just dispatch the result to the store without using createAsyncThunk? is there any major performance benefit to use it over useEffect? createAsyncThunk: useEffect: Answer The two setups are essentially similar.

Using Redux Hooks in a Formik onSubmit

i am currently trying to solve a homework for my university. We should integrate Action Creators and Reducers to our react project. The project is about having a Money Transaction Form with a List which shows all money transactions. Image of the Application We built the form with help of formik, my code looks like this. The Form is a
