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Tag: react-props

Getting undefined props in functional react components

How to pass the {requests} prop to the RequestRow component after executing the setRequests? My understanding is that the requests get initialized as undefined in the beginning and before being set with the asynchronously called object, it gets passed to the RequestRow component as undefined, and the error occurs. The RequestRow component is shown below. It takes in the {requests}

Passing Props to grandchild React

Child: Parent: GrandParent Component: I simply want to pass the method handleButtonChange() from grandParent all the way to child (which is a button), as the button is clicked it triggers the click event which fires up this function making changes in grandparent component(i.e. setting button state) where am i wrong at or this approach is completely wrong I am really

Passing data onClick from child component to another child component in React.JS

I’m trying to render the selected li (mapped in a child component) in an another child component. So you have the following structure (very simple): Parent Component (Parent.JS) ➥ First Child called Title.JS (that should render the title selected from the Second Child, which will contain the menu) ➥ Second Child called Menu.JS (which contains the menu) The exercise I’m
