good morning, how are you? I’m having a problem with pagination, when I click to change the page it appears the page results and goes back to the first one right away, would you know how to help me? For example, if I click on page 2, its results appear but it immediately goes back to page 1, I don’t
Tag: react-native
Android app icon / ic_launch icon has white padding
Generated an app icon using Ive used this before for other apps and its working great but this time my app icon has white padding on android OS, , any idea why ? Im using react native & already added assets to android native side app icon How icon looks on android home icon on android Answer Turns out
Get Min date and Max date from Object
How can I find out the min and the max date from an object? Currently, I am getting an array like this: min date should be ‘2010-02-24’ and max date should be ‘2022-10-04’. Is there any built-in function to do this? Thanks in advance. Answer A sort will do the job here, by packing all dates into an array first:
How to implement multiple functions on a single event handler?
I have this simple react native app that on button click it redirects user to a page. I’m saving data in a cache so that if user clicks the store button it stores data and after refresh it sets store data. However, I would like to implement this logic on a single button, not on 2 different buttons as it
stderr output from native app classifier: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘nltk’
While trying to send/receive data using native messaging between javascript and python for a firefox extension I keep running into the following error in the browser console- stderr output from native app classifier: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘nltk’ I have installed nltk in my pycharm virtual environment. I want to use nltk for some text processing in the python file
how to display 3 latitude & longitude (Marker) in one map?
I want to display in google map some location based on my data of longitude and latitude. here is my data: here can see I’ve 3 latitude and longitude. i want to display in google map all the location in one secreen. I’m using react-native-map libraries in my project. So, anyone can help me how to the Marker for this?
React Natvie Countdown
hi i am new with react native and javascript i would like to make a small countdown where you enter in the function a number and the type of countdown so now if i have selected seconds, minutes or hours in a dropdown and have in the textinput as example 10 i would enter an object like this in the
How can I create conditions on multiple array objects to handle errors in React?
I have an array object called containtemps. It has a property value called modDate. I extract the boolean value of the temperror variable by comparing the time based on the modDate property value among several objects in containtemps. So, by putting temperror variables 1, 2, and 3 in the error variable, if any one of them is true, the NotError
Use state token inside axios instance
I have a state with a token that i get from my api : And I want to reuse the token in an Axios instance : The problem is that I can not read the token via useSelector as : I get the error message : invalid hook call. hooks can only be called inside of the body of a
How to specify the type for the return of useNavigation
I’m having some diffuculties specifing the parameters for a function (onError) that receive the return of a useNavigation()) TS playground Answer I have not personally worked with @react-navigation, so I’m going by the types only, but it looks like useNavigation, when called without type parameters, defaults to ReactNavigation.RootParamList which doesn’t match your RootStackParamList. The non-extistent replace method comes from the