I was working on a problem and wanted to sort things based on a condition. I have an array of words and a hash that has a count of how many times each word appears in the array of words. The problem calls for you to return the elements based on descending order of frequency of each word in the
Tag: python-3.x
stderr output from native app classifier: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘nltk’
While trying to send/receive data using native messaging between javascript and python for a firefox extension I keep running into the following error in the browser console- stderr output from native app classifier: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘nltk’ I have installed nltk in my pycharm virtual environment. I want to use nltk for some text processing in the python file
Playwright auto-scroll to bottom of infinite-scroll page
I am trying to automate the scraping of a site with “infinite scroll” with Python and Playwright. The issue is that Playwright doesn’t include, as of yet, a scroll functionnality let alone an infinite auto-scroll functionnality. From what I found on the net and my personnal testing, I can automate an infinite or finite scroll using the page.evaluate() function and
Why does howSum solution work in Javascript but not in Python? (Dynamic programming)
This is a follow-up to this question asked on Stack Overflow. Write a function ‘howSum(targetSum, numbers)’ that takes in a targetSum and an array of numbers as arguments. The function should return an array containing any combination of elements that add up to exactly the targetSum. If there is no combination that adds up to the targetSum, then return None.
Trouble converting Javascript source to Python
I’m trying to convert a Javascript function to Python. Most of it was no problem but there’s one statement I’m not sure how to convert: The Python so far is: idk what +() or /./g are for. The complete JS function is: Answer The /./g is a regular expression and the +() coerces a string into a number (and the
Why does this solution work in Javascript but not in Python? (Dynamic programming)
I’m following this tutorial about dynamic programming and I’m struggling to implement memoization in the following problem: *Write a function called canSum(targetSum, numbers) that returns True only if the numbers in the array can sum to the target sum. All the numbers in the array are positive integers and you can use them more than once for the solution. Example:
store html checkbox value into list using flask, jinja2
I’m in need of some help. I am using flask and I have had an HTML page with a bunch of checkboxes. They are ordered as option1, option2, and option3 and then under the options, there are a number of boxes to check. I am trying to keep track of what all boxes have been checked for which option and
Python crawler to get DOM info by using Selenium and PhantomJS
I used Selenium and PhantomJS hoping to get data from a website which using javascript to build the DOM. The simple code below works, but it’s not always valid. I meant that most of time it would return an empty website which didn’t execute the javascript. It could seldom get the correct info I want. It has a high probability