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Tag: playwright

How do you match against an OR case in Playwright?

The Playwright documentation says “Comma-separated list of CSS selectors will match all elements that can be selected by one of the selectors in that list.” but it doesn’t work. If I do this: it matches, but if I do this: it hangs Is this not a “CSS selector”? how do I do the equivalent properly? Answer Yes, this is not

Playwright auto-scroll to bottom of infinite-scroll page

I am trying to automate the scraping of a site with “infinite scroll” with Python and Playwright. The issue is that Playwright doesn’t include, as of yet, a scroll functionnality let alone an infinite auto-scroll functionnality. From what I found on the net and my personnal testing, I can automate an infinite or finite scroll using the page.evaluate() function and

Playwright Select frame with dynamic name

I need to access an iframe in playwright that has a name that is automatically generated. The iframe’s name is always prefixed by “__privateStripeFrame” and then a randomly generated number How i can access the frame with the page.frame({name: }) ? From the docs it seems like i can’t use a regular expression! Answer The frameSelector doesn’t need be specified

Unable to get isDisabled() to work in Playwright

I need to check that a button is disabled (checking for a last page of a table). There are two with the same id (top and bottom of the table). But when I do the above I get: elementHandle.isDisabled: Unable to adopt element handle from a different document. Why doesn’t this work? Answer So, this works:

getAttribute is not available on the ElementHandle

I’m using playwright version 0.13.0, I have an instance of ElementHandle, but the getAttribute function is not available, calling it throws an error saying getAttribute is not a function: I double-checked with the debugger, the function is not on the instance. Also, there’s no equivalent of page.evaluate function for ElementHandle Answer You can pass it as an argument to the
