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Tag: performance

Is it more performant to mix types or to keep types?

I was wondering, with v8, when storing class attributes, is it more performant to use one variable with mixed types or one variable per type? Consider the following snippets (written in TypeScript for making the difference more clear): Afaik both should have advantages or defaults. Using one variable would have the problem that the JS engine might make assumptions on

React-konva slow drag performance with large number of lines rendered

I have problem with dragging functionality while having large number of rendered lines in React-konva. Currently I am mapping over Array.apply(null, Array(10000)) to render lines horizontally. However, it is very laggy comparing to dragging over an array of only 500 lines for example. I have prepared codesandbox to illustrate this issue: (Drag mouse horizontally to see the effect) Any

How can I fix this button

When I click on any button it shows same first button output. How can I fix it. I want it be different when I click on different button it should display same output that button has. I want it to be on my website. Answer Using nextElementSibling:

Why sometimes does the img jump in this Blackjack game

In this Blackjack game ( written in javaScript sometimes when the cards get dealt the img jumps. it looks like the code gets executed faster the the browser can paint the picture. Interestingly this only happens online, during development when the whole program was locally on my machine this issue didn’t occur. Could anyone explain the reason behind it and

value of using React.forwardRef vs custom ref prop

I see that React.forwardRef seems to be the sanctioned way of passing a ref to a child functional component, from the react docs: However, what is the advantage of doing this over simply passing a custom prop?: The only advantage I can think of is maybe having a consistent api for refs, but is there any other advantage? Does passing

Proper way to handle many event listeners in javascript

In my website, I have a dynamically growing list, (from a database) that has buttons attached to each item of the list. The button goes to the same javascript function, but each element in the list has a different id, which needs to be included inside the function when it is running. I’m currently using onclick in the html and
