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Tag: object

Update state object with multiple keys using input id

my state looks like this: const [options, setOptions] = useState({ numbers: false, animals: false, greetings: false, food: false, colors: false, other: true }) and I’m trying to update a single boolean based on a checkbox. At first I used a switch statement like so: but I think as I add more options, I’ll want something cleaner, I was hoping something

How to group nested array of objects in js

I have a nested array of objects. I’m trying to group product objects that have the same value. Each objects has a vendor property containing an email. I am trying to group the objects by matching vendor email This is how my database looks like: I am trying to do it with the reduce method but the problem is with

Get Names of Array of Objects without Looping

I have an array of country objects (countries) and I’m trying to get just an array of the String names, so from this example: Just: [‘Canada’, ‘USA’, ..] etc. I’m trying to do this with but I can’t seem to get it. Any suggestions? Answer You’re quite close to getting it right; just remove (countries) => and you’re good to

Count frequency of specific value in JavaScript object

I have a JavaScript object that is structured as such: var subjects = {all: “inactive”, firstSingular: “active”, secondSingular: “inactive”, thirdSingular: “active”, firstPlural: “inactive”, secondPlural: “inactive”, thirdPlural: “inactive” I would like to count the instances of the “active” value within this object (i.e return 2). I could certainly write a function that iterates through the object and counts the values, though

javascript typescript create a object

i have a property like this “” = “16165456”.. i try to create a object like this i use split and and loop but not work Answer A few issues: currentObject[part] = currentObject[part] is a statement that accomplishes nothing. You’d want to indicate what to assign when that property does not yet exist, so do: this.currentObject is a property, and
