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Tag: object

Sending only the updated/newly created records to API in react hooks

I’m trying to get the updated/newly created records and send it to the backend in “queryparam” In the above link, Step1 : when I add values for inputs “123” in input1 and “345” in input2.Then when I click on “Save” the values sent are {“input1″:”123″,”input2″:”345”}. Step2: Again I try to add one row for inputs “456” in input1 and

build array of object from tree object

I’m trying to get into javascript’s built-in reduce function and with the help of that build objects inside array. But you can use whatever function or method you want. Expected output What I tried to do I created a function which takes array as an argument and calls reduce for each array’s element. But it gives me output that I

How to combine all objects into one based on key

Here is the scenario I am looking at: I want to reduce these objects and I found a solution that adds their values: which results to: And now my problem is I don’t know yet how to work this around to have my expected output which if isRefund is true, it must be subtracted instead of being added, retain the

print out object array based on level

I want to print out a list formatted by level. What I have is an array of objects. Each object has a level eg 0, 1, 2. 0 being the uppermost and 2 being the innermost level. I want to print out the list with a indentation to each inner level So a list would look like this What my
