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Tag: object

Javascript: Convert Array to Object

Which is the easiest way to convert this: to this: in order to pass it to AJAX data? I’m using VisualSearch and it returns an array of Facet model instances which i need to convert into an Object. Answer think about the array.reduce function everytime you need to perform these kind of transformations.

How can I remove an element from a list, with lodash?

I have an object that looks like this: I have lodash installed in my application for other things. Is there an efficient way to use lodash to delete the entry: {“subTopicId”:2, “number”:32} from the obj object? Or is there a javascript way to do this? Answer As lyyons pointed out in the comments, more idiomatic and lodashy way to do

Using `this` for Parent Function inside a Nested Function

In the Apple “classs”, how can the nested function countSeeds() retrieve the value this.price? jsfiddle: Output Answer put var self = this at the top of Apple, and then refer to this as self instead in the nested function. i.e.: You could also put the self=this statement at the beginning of this.cutOpen, since this will still refer to the

What is the best way to define dependent variables in an object?

In the Google developers recommendation for optimizing JavaScript code, they mention that the best way to declare/initialize new variables for object is to use the prototype. For instance, instead of: Use: However, in my case I have a dependency between variables, for instance: Using this.toWhom outside of the main constructor body or a method function of the object will yield

Push JSON Objects to array in localStorage

I have a function in Javascript: the data parameter is a JSON Object. But everytime I click the button it overwrites the data in my localstorage. Does anybody know how to do this? Answer There are a few steps you need to take to properly store this information in your localStorage. Before we get down to the code however, please

Javascript reduce() on Object

There is nice Array method reduce() to get one value from the Array. Example: What is the best way to achieve the same with objects? I’d like to do this: However, Object does not seem to have any reduce() method implemented. Answer What you actually want in this case are the Object.values. Here is a concise ES6 implementation with that
