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Tag: object

How can I set Date object to null in Javascript?

I am trying to set check_date to null I tried but none of them are working for me. How can I achieve this? Code Answer You can’t set a Date to null. Date is an an embedded JavaScript type. Setting date to new Date(0) just sets it to Unix Epoch. You can, however, set a variable to null. This should

How to invert a nested object of objects

I’d like to learn how to convert a nested object into a new one by rearranging this structure: So that it follows this structure: Thanks Answer You can grab the entires of your object and use .reduce() to build a new object from the [[key, value], …] entry array. For each [key, value] you can iterate over the entries of

Access nested Json

I get this back from my API call in Google Script Editor I had a script that was working fine with a different call so i am using the same. The script is the below. So when i push data.values[0].value i get all the values back but i just want the first. What am i doing wrong? Answer Your response

Iterate through all children and children children of an object

I have an object with children objects, and even great grandchildren objects. I am currently using Which produces, for example: created_at: 2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z id: string data: [object Object] items: [object Object],[object Object] How do I iterate through any number of child objects to return something similar to created_at: 2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z id: string data: [object Object] data: 1 of 1 {contents} items: 1

Update object values

I’m having trouble updating the score property. I’m fairly new but still feel crazy not being able to figure this out. ‘fight’ is a string Answer You can try:
