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Tag: object

JavaScript: check if duplicate key values exist in array of objects and remove all but most recently added object having that key value

I’m trying to figure out how to check for duplicate values of keys between objects in the same array, then only keep the most recently added object having that value. For example, I have an array of objects I’m trying to filter duplicates of m_id out of, like so: The desired result from the above example array of objects would

javascript pushing object to the array at for loop changes the front components

I’m trying to push different objects at each time, but it changes the front components while looping the for loop. Here is my code. And my result looks like this. I can’t understand why at 2th loop, responseArray[0] changes {“data”:0} to {“data”:1}. I want my responseArray looks like [{“data”:0},{“data”:1″},…]. What’s happening on Array.push(object) at javascript? And how could I get

TypeError: unshift is not a function

I have todos array of objects passed as props to a TodoList component. I’m trying to add a new object to the array of objects. I created a method called addTodo which adds the first todo’s object & when I tried to add the second todo it fails with the error: TypeError: this.state.todos.unshift is not a function. Two questions: Why

Iterarting over array of objects and get unique values of each object

I have this variable inside data(): What I want is to check if a value from this input field: is matching one of the keys of “jsonStatham” (uniqueOne/Two/Three) and then push the keys of the matching key into an array. so if the input === uniqueOne, so this array: Will look like this: inputFields[“field1″,”field2″,”field3″,”field4″,”field5”] That’s what I tried: What I

How to filter data on Object in Angular

I get data from backend with this function and console.log(response) show JSON like below What I want are data that have “is_family_member”: false, for this I create this.personmembertrue = this.persons.filter(x => x.is_family_member === ‘false’) this part of code show empty. Any idea please how to show data with “is_family_member”: false Answer Change the condition to: See if that works.
