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Tag: npm

Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, scandir ‘C:/Users/ . . . /node_modules/react-native-gesture-handler/android/

When I run: npx react-native run-android It gives the error like this: Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, scandir ‘C:/Users/ . . . /node_modules/react-native-gesture-handler/android/… when I ran Command Prompt as administration still giving the same error Answer As a result of my searches the problem was this react-native-gesture-handler, So some time just restart you computer the error will fix, if that

npm update is not updating the version in package.json file

I am trying to update specific package in my project. I have checked it using npm outdated and then I run this command to update this package: npm update nameofpackage i.e., npm update slugify. My package.json file is not got updated after that, although when i run npm outdated again it shows no outdated package. It means it got updated

How can I run a yarn app/How to run a yarn dev server?

I’ve always used just npm and never yarn/webpack explicitly. I need to run the code from this repo: Like a dev server or something to ensure it’s serving the files properly but I don’t see a “run” like npm run start. Does this just not exist with yarn? It feels like this code should work as is and I

“npm install” not working for react project pulled from github

I’m on ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS. I’m trying to install locally a react project. I tried to clone de repo from github, and install locally the react app, doing this : git clone then npm install –verbose But it just won’t work. this is the output : I searched a while but I just don’t understand… As you might have

How to update the package.json version using semantic-release/git?

What I want to do Based on the FAQ I want to update the package.json version number on a new release. What I did Create a new empty private Github repository for an organization temp with a and .gitignore for node Clone the repository Fix the first commit message via git rebase -i –root and change it to
