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Tag: node.js

nodejs MySQL – Server requests authentication using unknown plugin

When attempting to connect to MySQL 8.0.21 server running Ubuntu 20.04 using NodeJS and mysql2 package, I receive the common error below: Server requests authentication using unknown plugin sha256_password I know that mysqljs and mysql2 do not support sha256, so I confirmed my user was setup for mysql_native_password: And have confirmed that default_authentication_plugin is set as mysql_native_password. What makes this

What does Message.fetch() actually do in discord.js

According to the Message#fetch() docs, this function simply fetches the message it was called on. However, I’m not sure in which circumstance it would ever make sense to use this function. According to the screenshot above, this method returns Promise<Message>. I’m confused, because why would you need to fetch a message you already have access to? For example: So, what’s

Node: Using promise.all() to call API’s in parallel?

I’m a bit confused how promise.all work, does it run the array of promises in parallel? So here is a sample code From what I observed, Promise.all runs the promises in parallel, and wait for all promises to finish. Answer does it run the array of promises in parallel Promise.all doesn’t, no; your code does (well, probably; see the Notes

Is Express.js platform-independent?

I’m just starting out with Express.js. In the official getting started guide, they showed the following basic code: The first parameter to app.get() is a forward-slash indicating the root directory. But the slash is a backward-slash in windows systems. Does express deal with these differences automatically, or do we need to write extra code for it? When I was using

Mongoose populate subdocument in array

I have a Mongoose offer model explained below: and order schema which has reference to to the first schema offer explained below: the problem that I can not populate sections here {section: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: ‘Offer.sections’ }} it gives me MissingSchemaError: Schema hasn’t been registered for model “Offer.sections”. so is there any way to populate sections? Answer Unfortunately, Mongoose

How to make AJAX request in Hackerrank using JavaScript?

I open the Hackerrank example test and play around with methods one might use to make an AJAX call. XMLHttpReq, fetch, etc. None of them work; XHR and fetch methods are unavailable. First fetch: Hackerrank throws an error because fetch is not a function. I also tried window.fetch and global.fetch to no avail. I tried XHR: Hackerrank says XMLHttpRequest is
