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Tag: multidimensional-array

Break array of objects into 2dimensional array

I need to break an array of objects into a 2-dimensional array where 1-dimensional arrays would consist of objects which have their attributes ‘for’ and ‘to’ being not overlapping intervals. Example: Given array arr1 I wish to receive arr2 How it should work: We loop through the arr1. Object1 should be put into the first 1-dimensional array in arr2 by

Function which is swapping Elements in an Array of Arrays, returns undefined at the specific Indexes

I have an Array of Arrays. My Array is called splitarr[Array2[],Array1[],Array0[],Array3[]…]. It is not ordered correctly from Index Zero to index 2. So I want to swap splitarr that it looks more like this => splitarr[Array0[],Array1[],Array2[],Array3[]…]. However my code does not seem to work. When i try to console.log my Array, the indexes where the elements are supposed to be

Watching parent with prop doesn’t update during for loop

I have 2 components – <my-component> and <grand-child-comp>. In my root there is a multidimensional object and my component watches it with prop. In Vue debugger, I can see that my-component is getting and watching accountTypes object successfully. However, when trying to use it in my-component’s template, it doesn’t work. Lastly, accountTypes object looks like: Answer The problem is you’re
