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Tag: mousemove

javascript stop click event on mousemove

i have a draggable parent with click events on the children. i want to cancel/abort/stop the click event of the child when it’s starting to get dragged, but also don’t want do stop any parent events. Since i don’t use a lot of jQuery, i’d be very thankful for a vanilla javascript solution. sorry for this newbie question, but i


This is my updated and modified script, it works completely, except I would like to universalize it… observe the **** how can I make it so that I don’t have to do function(e){BOX.Draggable.elemen = || e.srcElement; elementDraggable(e); everytime I need to use the dragable function for a different element? Answer Is jQuery an option for you? It makes what

How can I reduce slowdowns from mousemove event?

I’m running a relatively simple function (update a span’s innerHTML) on mousemove. The application is a Leaflet map. When the mouse is moving, there is palpable lag when zooming, panning and loading tiles. I only need to update the span about 10-20 times per second at most. (See here for the page in question; the update is for the X/Z
