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Tag: material-ui

Material UI – TreeView datastructure

I want to structure the data that I get from a server, so I can use the TreeView component from Material UI: I’m fetching large amounts of data so I want to fetch child nodes from the server when the user clicks on the expand button. So when the first node is expanded a HTTP request is sent to

How can I use Material-UI Autocomplete together with react-virtualized?

I’m using the Autocomplete component from Material-UI in a project. Since I have a lot of options to render, virtualization would be very beneficial. So I started from the virtualized example in the docs with react-window. Everything worked great, but the project already has a dependency on react-virtualized and I would like to avoid adding a new one that solves

Scroll to selected list item in material-ui

I have a list, build with material-ui. There are a lot of items in it, so scrollbar is visible. What I would like to do is scroll to the selected item. Have any ideas of how to implement this? Here is a demo sendbox link After click on the item list should looks like this (selected item is in the

Center component inside the material-ui grid

I want to use same cards and make them center aligned, I searched and tried some solutions but all of them align only the component grid, and not the component content itself (I need them to be equally distant form the borders and from themselves). I’m using this code ( The card code is irrelevant but I just copied the
