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Tag: javascript

why am I having this output as result?

what would be the result of my code ? I am expecting to have as result one single array of length 1 , I want to output only values of d variable that haven’t been updated in my var2 variable but I get an array of length 2 , I want to have output {name : “david”, age : 23,

Mega menu div hides on hover | reactjs

I am creating a mega menu in reactjs framework for my ecommerce website. When ever i hover on list item it shows mega menu div but when i move cursor down the menu hides itself. Why it is not stay as it is ? Local state which controls the menu display state on onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave works well. Answer Because

JavaScript last element of HTML collection not defined

I am trying to create a bookable product, where upon selected (= selectbox) a room type, the picture changes to that specific room with good old javascript. the interesting part is that it works for the first element of the HTML collection, but the last element is giving an undefined and makes it impossible to override. I am not getting
