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Tag: javascript

How to avoid v-if on an element which uses v-for

I have a literal object like so: I was not aware that it was bad to use v-if inside a v-for loop and my first approach to display the code in the view was this: What I was trying to do is to avoid to display a div block related to the type property of the object MenuVoice. Since I

Dropdown with multiple selection limit

I relatively new to React and Semantic UI as well. There is a component called Dropdown with a props multiple and selection, which allows to select multiple items. On the output my state looks like this: How can I do setup limit of N amount of elements? Many thanks Answer Well according to you need to create controlled component,

p5.js how to freeze canvas?

I try to do something like that : But i want to “freeze” this canvas, so if i load the page i will have 30 rect() at a random height between 30 and 120. Answer One option would be to use noLoop() method inside setup function that will stop draw method loop. Note that with using noLoop and loop methods,

Angular 5 ngHide ngShow [hidden] not working

Good day, guys! I am trying to make my Angular 5 app hide elements (or show hidden). However, this seems to not work. I’ve tried ngHide, ng-hide, ngShow, ng-show, [hidden] methods – none of them works. My login.component.ts looks like this: And login.component.html: Am I doing something wrong here? NOTE: I did not change or add anything related to css.

Vue Prop undefined in child component

I am trying to pass an array that inside an object from a parent component to a child component but answers is coming up undefined. When checking the prop in the parent component the data is there, but when it gets past to the child it is undefined. edit: Here is where the parent is declared Parent data: Query: Answer

Stencil – How to get CDN links from javascript

I’m working with Big Commerce’s stencil to add some advanced functionality to my product pages. Part of this functionality requires files to be loaded from the server. Each product page would need a different file so I can’t just use {{cdn …}} in the template file, I need the equivalent of that in javascript Template File: {{cdn “mydogpicture.jpg”}} outputs
