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Tag: bigcommerce

BigCommerce Embedded Checkout NotEmbeddableError: Unable to embed the iframe because the content could not be loaded

I am trying to implement bigcommerce embedded checkout into my rails application. I followed this url to integrate embedded checkout into my local rails application. But I have error message of “NotEmbeddableError: Unable to embed the iframe because the content could not be loaded.” These are the steps I did. I am using rails application locally. it is running

Stencil – How to get CDN links from javascript

I’m working with Big Commerce’s stencil to add some advanced functionality to my product pages. Part of this functionality requires files to be loaded from the server. Each product page would need a different file so I can’t just use {{cdn …}} in the template file, I need the equivalent of that in javascript Template File: {{cdn “mydogpicture.jpg”}} outputs
