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Tag: javascript

React: How to mock Auth0 for testing with Jest

I’m using React(react-create-app and TypeScript). Login is made with Auth0. I want to write tests with Jest, and I found this ressource which is basically the only thing around that speaks about Mocking the Auth0 object. So my code looks like this: But I end stuck with this error: Property ‘mockReturnValue’ does not exist on type ‘() => IAuth0Context |

Ignore return outside of function with babel 7

I recently updated to babel 7 and webpack 4 and am receiving this error when running our gulp build task: This is caused by the return outside of a function in browser-syncs dev-ip dependency. Is there a way to configure my .babelrc file to ignore this? I’ve tried the following: Installing only production dependencies, but because browser sync is imported

TypeScript React.FC confusion

I am learning TypeScript and some bits are confusing to me. One bit is below: For both functional components above, I see TypeScript generates the same JS code. The PrintName2 component seems more streamlined to me as far as readability. I wonder what’s the difference between the two definitions and if anyone is using second type of React component? Answer

Why sometimes does the img jump in this Blackjack game

In this Blackjack game ( written in javaScript sometimes when the cards get dealt the img jumps. it looks like the code gets executed faster the the browser can paint the picture. Interestingly this only happens online, during development when the whole program was locally on my machine this issue didn’t occur. Could anyone explain the reason behind it and

Get tests running time with Jest

Is there any way to know how long my tests take without doing it programmatically with Jest? To be clear, I know that if I add a variable to get the current time before each test and then log this when my test completes I’ll get this information, but I want this automatically, maybe with some Jest configuration. Answer You
