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Tag: javascript

Displaying Opencv.js Matrix without cv.imshow()

Hello Stack Overflow community. I am attempting to extract the pixel values from a cropped section of an opencv matrix to a javascript array in order to feed that data into a tensor for OCR. I cannot use cv.imshow() because it interacts with the DOM and my process is on a web worker. This is what I have so far

Recursive data in JSON object

} OK guys I have such JSON structure what I need is to: return all topics in array, in this example it will be: [“SERVICE_STATUS_PRESETS”, “AIRCRAFT_ACTIVATION”, “OUT_OF_SERVICE”, “PROMO_CODES_REQUESTS”, “BANNERS”, “DOCUMENTS”, “USER”] I try recursive calls like this, though I only get last three records: Answer You could take a recursive approach and check if the handed over data is not

Why EventTarget subclass instances lose their names?

The current version of JavaScript implements EventTarget as a class instead of an interface, so you can create an instance of EventTarget with all the expected methods. I tried to copy/paste the EventTarget example in the console (on both Chrome and Firefox) but when I inspect the myEventTarget object (that is build as a subclass of EventTarget named MyEventTarget), the

Hide custom cursor when mouseover on iframe

I am struggling trying to find out how to hide my custom cursor when it’s over an iframe. I designed a custom cursor but it works fine in all the web sections. However, when it goes over he Vimeo iframe, the mouse stay at the edge of the iframe and shows the default web browser cursor. I think the easiest

Javascript Range – onchange event

I have code for slider: The problem is onchange event executed when releasing mouse, but I need onchange event for every slider move. May be I don’t need input type=”range” but slider made on pure javascript/jquery. Answer You can use oninput event
