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Tag: javascript

Chrome DevTools, Memory: what is `feedback_cell` and how to resolve memory leak that traces to it?

Testing memory leaks in Chrome DevTools (after several attach/detach the jQuery plugin) I have found that there are some delta objects but I can’t understand their nature: What is feedback_cell about which reports DevTools? I do not have such identifier in my code (here BsMultiSelect.js). Line number points to method definition: function staticContentGenerator(…) { I guess the feedback_cell is something

‘await’ has no effect on the type of this expression

I searched about this but I didn’t find anything specific for what I need. If there is one, please, share here. I’m trying to create a generic service to be called in various components. Since it’s a function that requests data from an external source, I need to treat it as an asynchronous function. Problem is, the editor returns the

How to get single clicked word from textarea using JavaScript

Is it possible to get clicked word from textarea using jquery or javascript in IE and Firefox. Currently i’m using the below code and it’s working perfectly fine in Chrome but it doesn’t work at all in IE and Firefox. Expected Working Let’s suppose a textarea with text: ‘Hello World’ When i click anywhere in ‘Hello’ it should print ‘Hello’

Implement for-await-of statement in RxJS

I have the following statement: client.list() returns an async iterable iterator, and expects the use of for await…of to resolve the promises. I would like to incorporate the code into an existing rxjs pipe that instantiates the client. I looked everywhere and I couldn’t figure out how to do so without resolving the promise inside the pipe rather than converting

Jquery async/await ajax call

I’m currently using 3 ajax call methods (3 of them are executing back-to-back). I must have a time delay in between the second ajax call and the third one. If I add “async:false” in the second ajax, everything works like a charm. However, I found out that this is really a terrible practice and shouldn’t be using. So I decided

NestJs transform GRPC exception to HTTP exception

I have a HTTP server that connects to a gateway over GRPC. the gateway also connects to other . GRPC microservices. the flow looks like this: Client -> HttpServer -> GRPC server (gateway) -> GRPC microservice server X The way i handle errors currently is like so (please let me know if there is better practice) i will only show
