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Tag: javascript

fix WordPress api failed upload test error

I have created a form which uses ajax to post data to WordPress media using Wordpress API. I am receiving the error specified file failed upload test. I’m using the JWT auth plugin for authentication. ADD A MEDIA FORM CREATE MEDIA FUNCTION I could not find a php.ini file on the hosted directory so created a blank file and set

How to catch unhandledRejection?

I wrote a Telegram bot using TelegrafJS, this framework wraps the Telegram API. The problem that I’m facing is how to correctly manage the unhandled rejection, in fact when I call this method: where ctx is the instance of TelegrafJS I got: Bot error: Error: 400: Bad Request: message to delete not found this error happens ’cause the message_id that

Anime.js – pause between loop iterations

I have this animation: I want to make a pause between animation loops: so when brush returns to the final point, it will stay here a bit before new movement starting. But I have no idea how to fix animation (timings, maybe?) properly to achieve it. Thank you in advance! Answer Ok, finally I got it. In arrayed keyframes in

custom image slider in vue js

Tryin to build a simple custom image slide and mostly make it work except one thing. When :src data changes, I want to add a transition like opacity:0 ~ 1 but couldn’t achieve that part. Here is the slide. template script what is best and simple possible way to add a transition when :src changes every 5s, appreciate if anyone

alert called by onload event not running? [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question I’m creating a chrome extension, but I’m struggling with the Onload event. I’m not sure what’s wrong with my code. It works when I run
