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Tag: javascript

400 BAD REQUEST when POST using Axios in React

Can any help me with this? I keep getting a 400 bad request from Axios. I can pass a GET request and confirm its working fine. I create http-common.js file with following code: Then,I create a service that uses axios object above to send HTTP requests. TodoService.js Then, I use TodoDataService.create(data) … in AddTodos component. AddTodos.js When clicked Submit it’s

List javascript urls of a page

is there a way I can extract the list of all the JS imported in a page, maybe via browser console? I’m not looking for only the ones imported via , but also the ones imported by other js scripts. So, let’s say I have a page that is using requirejs, and during the usage of the page, many other

How to add a column to 1d json array and save it to a file?

CONTEXT I am trying to save an array to a text file. My array is a js variable arrR (say): [-0, 0.0016, 0.0034, 0.005, 0.0067, 0.0082, 0.0103, 0.0116, 0.0135, 0.0154, 0.017] The function below saves the array in a text file: And this works nicely. WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO DO Instead of having a .txt file like: [-0, 0.0016,

VUE JS passing object to children after mounted

I have three vue components. One is the page listing, it includes a filter and a list. When the page listing component is rendering, it needs to parse some JSON and passing that object into the filter component. Where I see that there is a problem is that the mounted script is running after the filter component has been rendered,

How to know index of DataTable row just added?

I am using the DataTables jQuery plugin version 1.10.22. I add a row to DataTable, like the following. That works. A new row is added to the table, and the data I provided is displayed. But, immediately after adding the row, I would like to know the row index of that row I just added. How do I determine that?

Only one button in my javascript function when I want two

I am doing an assignment for class and attempting to make a javascript function with a button to show the value on a slider component. However, the function only shows one button when there should be two. I am passing two values in my array. I can’t find the error. Any help would do. DEMO.html MakeSliderFW.js Any help would be

passing props directly to utility function

i have below common function for sorting, and i am calling above function like as below, for numeric type i am sorting based on nominalSize, now i would like to pass this field directly from here sortSelectOptions(options, null, ‘numeric’) as prop. The options are array of objects and one of the property is nominalSize. I am looking kind of generic

Javascript prototype inheritance and “instanceof”

I just cannot understand, why in object inheritance “instanceof” fails to evaluate “children”-objects as instances of parent prototypes. For example: As for inheritance of classes (or rather of what is deemed to be classes in JS), the situation is different: What is the cause of this difference? Is it possible to create children-objects so that they were correctly recognised as
