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Tag: html

two dimensional checkbox in html

I have created a HTML form with checkbox like this, but I am struggle to turn them into two dimensional What I want is something like this orange banana apple pear ripe Tick price Tick Tick Tick quantity Tick Tick cost Tick Any method to achieve this? Answer You can build an table like below if you submit form like

ASP.Net Core app/JS validation: prompt user to update form, or exit page

I have an ASP.Net Core/Razor app with a simple form: I’m using the built-in client-side validation for things like <input …required> or <input type=”number” min=”0″ …> (Microsoft includes jQuery validation in their MSVS project templates). That all works fine. I’m also doing some additional, custom validation on certain fields. I’d like to give the user the option to either re-do

Sweet Alert inside a If Statement

I’am trying (without luck) to implement a Swal inside a If statement. here is what i’ve done: And here is the links in my html: Any tip to how can I make this work? I guess my problem is inside the If statement, but I don’t know how to fix it Answer end up that everything was working nice, but…

ViewChild is undefined in angular 13

I am trying to call view child of a child component from parent and getting undefined in the console. see the image also see the stack blaze for the same Please help to get the child component this.testChildComponent So that i can call ngOnInit of child from parent. this.testChildComponent.ngOnInit() Answer if you set your viewChild { static: true }

Clear canvas by JavaScript

I am using this jQuery plugin to make free drawing over a canvas. I want to clear the canvas for redrawing but after I do and when I click inside canvas for redrawing the old drawing that I cleared appears again Answer This plugin stores all the drawing commands in an actions array, and at each redraw it will go
