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Tag: html

Get corner items in current CSS grid layout, expanding on hover

I’m using grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, 250px) to keep grid items 250px wide but automatically adjust number of row-items according to screen-width. Now I want that when I hover over an item, it expands taking a bit of its sibling’s space, with its sibling getting shrunk. By console.log(), I found nextElementSibling that can be used. So I’m thinking of something like- This

How to handle streaming data using fetch?

I have used async for with great success in handling output streams from processes with node.js, but I’m struggling to get something that I was hoping could “just work” with the browser fetch API. This works great to async’ly handle chunks of output streaming from a process: (in an async function context here of course) I tried to do something

This document requires ‘TrustedScriptURL’ assignment

After adding require-trusted-types-for ‘script’; in my Content-Security-Policy header, which introduced from Chrome 83 Beta to help lock down DOM XSS injection sinks, when I open my website, it becomes a blank page. I got many these three kinds of errors in my console. (Chrome version 83.0.4103.61) This document requires ‘TrustedScript’ assignment. This document requires ‘TrustedScriptURL’ assignment. TypeError: Failed to set

Catch the click event on class inside SVG in Angular

In my Angular 9 app I need to add the svg file as an interactive image. The svg itself is in my-file.svg and looks like this: I have a component: And in the car-view.component.html I include this svg as: How can I call the elementClicked() function inside CarViewComponent on click event on my-polygon-class (which is inside the svg)? I also

How to format datetime in EJS?

enter image description here I am trying to achieve the datetime format like this 1:00 am May 11 2020? I am using mongoDB and EJS How can I do it in my code? Here is my server.js code: And here’s my EJS template: How can can I achieve that format in my code??????????? I appreciate all the answers thank you

How to display the contents of an array as a list?

I’d like to output the contents of an array as a list: value value value However, it’s currently outputting the array like this: value,value,value What can I change to display the array contents as a vertical list? For context, this is displaying an array that updates by adding/removing items based on connections/disconnections to a server. So, when a user connects,

UrlFetchApp Variable Errors

I’m trying to make a proxy with the UrlFetchApp Google Scripts API. However, with a query string of ?url=””, it gives me this error: But when I substitute param in my code below for, the exact value of param, it works perfectly fine for some reason. Here’s my code: Thank you for any help! Answer How about this modification?
