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Tag: html

Can I export two dataTables into a single pdf with pdfmake

HTML I want to export the below two dataTables into a single pdf with single export button. Both the dataTables have different columns so it cannot be merged. CSS Java Script I want make changes in this dataTable jQuery functions in such a way that if I click on single button both the dataTables data should be exported in same

Bootstrap tabs inside Owl carousel

I’ve seen a lot of questions about placing an Owl carousel control inside a Bootstrap tab pane. For instance, Owl Carousel not working inside Bootstrap Tabs and Owl Carousel broken inside tab panel. I’d like to implement the opposite: to place Bootstrap tab panes inside a slide (div) within Owl carousel. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work: clicking on a button group

Show one div’s contents at a time every 4 seconds

I have a bunch of slide divs inside of a wrapper container. As you can see I have two of them set to display: none initially. Every 4000ms I would like to smoothly transition into the next slide. I have tried a few things with set interval in js and no luck. Here is my code: Answer Explanation of the

Manipulate multiples HTML files with javascript

Is it possible to manipulate more than one HTML file in the same script? For example, i have a <div id=”div1″> on my index.html, and <div id=”div2″> in another HTML file inside of another folder. What i trying to do is get the content of the second div and replace to my “div1”, but the “traditional way” doesnt work: I’m

How to convert URL into HTML in JavaScript?

I want a HTML document of an URL I have URL like and I want the HTML block of the page of URL. How can I achieve this in JavaScript I read that Java has method like IOUtils.toString to do the same. can somebody suggest me how to do this or what is the method in JavaScript as in

How to put variable in span or v-tooltip tag?

I’m using vue 2 with vuetify 2 and there’s occured a problem with displaying data from table. When I’m adding curly braces between v-tooltip tags I’ve getting blank page. Code example below. So I want to display that data from my list like I did in the rest of the code where’s isn’t a span and v-tooltip. adding more code

Why is my React MUI component not showing?

I am trying to use the MUI drawer component alongside with React router to display a simple navbar on the left of the page. I am very new to react and am not sure what I am doing wrong as the code compiles fine. The other two pages “Signup” and “Login” are showing up fine. The way the project is

Get the correct id according to the div I click

I have the following dynamic code: This code generates a div with several users and their respective user code. so far so good. The problem I’m having comes after this step. After returning the users, when I click for example on the user with the user code number 3, it returns the user code 1. And the correct one, if

Dynamically Create and Set Nested Div in JavaScript

I would only want to render/create <p>Hello</p><iframe id=”syndicationPanelModalIFrame” src=”” width=”100%” height=”100%” style=”border: none”> on page load. I don’t want to declare them already but I want to trigger JS and create them once page loads. Pls see “Expected Output” below EXPECTED OUTPUT Current Code Answer Okay, I got it; Use this code: Another way of doing it with innerHTML Although
