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Tag: html

Textarea typing then show star rating

I have this star rate form and wanted you to start typing in the text area and it will show you the star rate form right away, but if the text area is empty, it will hide. I discovered the following code: How can I combine this code into mine? Because it only does that now when I click outside

Angular Nested Child Routing

I am learning use of multiple router-outlet. While using navigateBy function of router, i am not able to view my child route and getting error. But if i access it via routerLink in html i get the desired output. So in below code, navigation to songs is working , but navigation to films is not. App Component html Bollywood Component

How to add checkbox Select/Unselect All to HTML data table

I have this datatable: The above is a datatable that have pagination. Then I added this script below to achieve my goal. I want to add checkbox to Select/UnselectAll, and to also check/uncheck each row. The script above is not doing it. How do I achieve this? Thank Answer Is this what you were looking for?

how to create box in HTML5?

I am trying to create two inner box . I am able to do in using HTML css . working link (expected output) When I trying to do the same thing using Canvas. I am not able create two box or container where I will put my text. is it possible to do same thing using canvas here is

CharAt not working within table and input within .each loop

The Goal: To get the first character in the input field and place it next to the input box. I’m trying to this for sorting purposes. jQuery datatables won’t work and I’m looking for an alternate solution. Possible Solution: Get the first char charAt(0) and place it next to the input field to make that column ‘sortable’. Desired Result: D

Change in one dropdown value is affecting other dropdowns

I have a add button which will keep on adding a div container which consists of two dropdowns. On selecting on dropdown we are setting other dropdown data. When I click on add div it will add a second div with both dropdowns. But, change in one dropdown is affecting other dropdown. app.component.ts app.component.html After adding div, each dropdown should

“cover” property bugging the background

I am having a problem with covering the background in CSS. Before: Image Before After: Image After Anyone know how to fix this? Thanks! Answer You cannot have cover alone in the background property. You are obliged to define the position as well: Or add background-size: cover Related: Error: CSS: background: / is an incorrect operator

How to disable a submit button until a radio button is selected (Javascript, HTML, and Flask)

I’ve seen other questions similar to this one, but I don’t know if my application isn’t working because I’m using a Flask/SQLAlchemy application (a truck scheduling application) or if there’s something else I’m missing. I want to disable the submit/update button until the user selects one of the materials to be picked up. update.html: Answer .getElementsByName() returns a node list
