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Tag: greasemonkey

How to block a function from being called?

I’m trying to figure out how to block the magnify function whenever you hover over an item on this page: I see that is is loaded in this script function magnify(o,t,e=””): Any help is appreciated, Thanks Answer You can overwrite the function with window.magnify = () => {}; since it’s a global.

How can I find and access a JavaScript property (‘Blazor’) of ‘window’ with a (GreaseMonkey) user script?

With the following (GreaseMonkey) user script I am trying to find (and later access) a JavaScript object (namely ‘Blazor’): When I run the script (i.e., reload the page), I get the following output in Firefox’ console: So window.Blazor can not be found. However, when I inspect (click on) the window object I can see the Blazor property: Calling ‘Blazor’ in

Clear all cookies in a userscript?

How to clear all cookies or at least restart the browser in a tampermonkey/greasemonkey script? Answer To clear the cookies edit your Chrome shortcut (or write a shell script in Linux/MacOS) and add (or use a random port number that’s not used by other processes) so you can send Network.clearBrowserCookies RDP command:

Automatically check a checkbox with a userscript?

Some sites (namely Steam Community Market) require the user to manually check a specific checkbox for repetitive actions like buying items. I’d like to have that checkbox always checked. URL: element: <input id=”market_buynow_dialog_accept_ssa” type=”checkbox” value=”0″ name=”accept_ssa”> Can that be done with Tampermonkey? I found document.getElementById(“checkbox”).checked = true; which seems logical to me. I put it in a new Tampermonkey

Unbind .onselectstart return false

I am trying to write a userscript that will remove the effects of onselectstart from an id on a page. So far I am assuming that I can rebind the original function using something like this: JSFiddle Any ideas would be appreciated. Answer Looks like I managed to work out the answer. Thank you LightStyle for giving me the hints.
