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Tag: forms

javascript enable input on double click

I have a form with some inputs disabled. I want these inputs to be enabled when double clicked. Unfortunately, JS events seem not to fire on disabled inputs. Is there a way around this limitation? Or am I just going to have to wrap any affected input in a span to house the event? Answer ondblclick does not get

How to reset/uncheck radio button onclick event?

I have 2 radio button with 2 group. The structure is like this Main Radio 1 Main Radio 2 Under Main Radio 2, there’s two more sub radio button. Main Radio 1 Main Radio 2 Sub Radio 1 Sub Radio 2 What am I doing is, in default stage, it will only show Main Radio 1 and Main Radio 2

Disable scrolling on “

Is it possible to disable the scroll wheel changing the number in an input number field? I’ve messed with webkit-specific CSS to remove the spinner but I’d like to get rid of this behavior altogether. I like using type=number since it brings up a nice keyboard on iOS. Answer Prevent the default behavior of the mousewheel event on input-number elements

How do I use a function through iframe?

I have a web page which has a form at the top and a table at the bottom. The form allows users to submit info and also upload an image, the form’s target is the iframe, which is set height=0 width=0. Reason I did this was to prevent the page from refreshing and going to the action page assigned. The
