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Tag: events

Listen for changes with localStorage on the same window

I want to listen for changes that are happening in the localStorage API on the same page (Not in multiple tabs like the spec says). I am currently using this code: Does anyone know a vanilla JavaScript way to listen to events on localStorage on one page (no jQuery) Answer Since JS is dynamical language just rewrite original functions.

addEventListener firing multiple times for the same handle when passing in arguments with anonymous function

For some reason, the event listener is firing twice for each element when passing arguments into an anonymous function. I.e., the click event on element el will register once and, thus, fire once. But if I want to pass my own arguments to it, it will register and fire twice. The question is why and what’s the solution? I looked

Javascript: cancel or let an event continue?

My scenario deals with Kendo UI, but I think it probably applies to JavaScript generally, hence the JavaScript tag. I have a Kendo scheduler with the edit event option set to functionA. In functionA, I create a Kendo window (basically a modal) that asks the user a question; in one case the edit event should continue and bubble up as

Copying JS events from one element to another

I’m attempting to copy events from one element, to another using pure JS (i.e. not JQuery). The bug I’m hitting, is when there’s multiple events, the last event is used for both. Bit hard to explain, please refer to my jsbin example, I want to copy the mousedown and mouseup events from #foo to #bar. The bug is, the mouseup

How to create an event handler for a range slider?

I’m trying to get a range slider to work but I can’t. How do I add an event handler so when the user chooses a value my code reads that value. Right now its value is always 1. I would like to do this using pure Javascript. HTML: JAVASCRIPT: JSFIDDLE Answer Single Read The problem is that you’re only reading
