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Tag: ethereum

Importing ethers via Hardhat fails despite official testing documentation

According to the official testing documentation for Hardhat, ethers should be available implicitly within the global scope; however, it can optionally be required explicitly, like so: This fails for my local project. My package manifest seems to include the correct dependencies: My unit tests file seems to match the worked example in the Hardhat documentation also: Despite this, running the

Variable declared in data() is Undefined in Listener

I am declaring a “userid” variable in the data() section of my component. Within a mounted() method, I am initiating a listener for MetaMask. Upon changing account in MetaMask this listener is triggered. However, the “userid” (declared in data()) within the listener is undefined. How can I solve this problem? Answer Vue runs in strict mode. That means that this

Square Brackets for String in Javascript [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question I do not understand why I need to add square brackets around the “account” variable below, for the “accounts” variable constitutes a string. Answer From

Unable to deploy Solidity contract to Rinkeby network (Invalid asm.js: Invalid member of stdlib)

I’ve been learning Solidity using this course by Stephen Grider and it’s been going well until now, where I am trying to deploy my code to the Rinkeby test network. For reference, I am using Node version 11.15.0 with npm version 6.7.0 with these dependencies: I have spent hours switching between versions of Node.js, npm, and all sorts of combinations

Call Function From Solidity With Web3

I am having trouble calling a simple function from my solidity contract. Here’s how the code is structured so far: In my web3Api.js file I have: Then in my projectApi.js file I have: Note: When I call the global variable throughout this file it successfully returns all my contract’s functions So this next part is where I’m running into trouble.

calling smart contracts methods using web3 ethereum

Trying to work around the blockchain using Ethereum, I’m facing problems when trying to interface with a deployed contract. What I would try to achieve is to call a method to display information added to a private blockchain deployed locally using Geth. I can’t call any function from my smart contract and I’ve been wondering if I’m doing something wrong…
