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Tag: download

Download html window object with JS

i have this iframe here, and i want to doanload the window page with pdf inside, js function print() only shows the page, i want to download it automatically, bellow is the full code (i tryed with jspdf too). Answer Iframes are only a window to remote objects thus while viewing they are showing both the already downloaded html surround

JS: XHR loads files (>50MB) immediatly

I’m making a internet speedtest app with Node.js. Everything works fine expect the download test. I normally download at 8Mbits/s but when I try XHR requesting a text file / image (about 256 MByte) at /public/chunk/somefile.txt for example, it downloads it within 1 second which is impossible. Then I checked the onprogress log: How comes that it loads the image

browser only downloads 10 images at once (JS) [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question there is a limit of downloads that can be done at the same

Download shapes from leaflet map

I have online access to a leaflet map, but cannot reach the authors. Is there a way to download shapes from this map (to shp, geojson, etc.)? I thought of running some leaflet-related javascript code in browser console, but I couldn’t find any relevant commands in the documentation. Answer When you look into the dev tools of the link you

Is there other way to create pdf in php?

Hello I’ve got a problem with my page, cuz I want to generate PDF file async with jquery, command: In my controller it looks somethink like this And that doesn’t work, But if I type in URL /pl/home/generujPDF it just work fine. I check how it looks in “Network” tab in browser and I have 2 other types of this

Browser is cancelling multiple file download requests

I am trying to download multiple files that the user has selected for download. However, the browser is cancelling all but last download request. If I am increasing the delay between the requests to say about 1 second, then those files get downloaded, but even in this case, sometimes some files are missed. The files are being downloaded from amazon
