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Tag: dom-events

Kinetic layer on top of Openlayers

I developed a canvas visualization of OpenStreetMaps by means of miscellaneous scripts and rendering algorithms from the internet. On top of this I have a Kinetic Stage which draws custom objects which cannot be drawn by the functionality of Openlayers. Openlayers provides many functions which I want to use and therefore I’m trying to switch over to this framework. I’m

Basic example of initKeyboardEvent

I’m trying to find a basic example of the use of initKeyboardEvent(). Ideally, I want to create a keyboard event where when the enter button is pressed when a user is typing in one input field, another input field will be shown using jQuery. Does anyone know where I can find a basic understandable example of using initKeyboardEvent()? Answer initKeyboardEvent

Logic for multiple and single select/combo boxes

Below is my code: When select-box or combo-box is looped for ten times then I am getting form[“city”] length as 10 properly and behaviour of alerts within combox-box is appropriate, but if I have a single-select-box, then instead of giving form[“city”] length as 1 it gives it as 4 which is the number of option elements in my dropdown-box. So

JavaScript onkeydown, return true,false

I am studying Javascript and I am at this simple code:Link, I understand this code but the only thing that I don’t understand is the return false. I tried return true, and even I deleted the return line, and looked at FireFox, Chrome, and IE, and three of them didn’t look like something happened so if some one can please

Why don’t audio and video events bubble?

I was wondering why some Javascript of mine would not work until I figured that the audio events did not bubble up the DOM tree, e.g. the timeupdate-event. Is there a rationale for not letting the events of the audio- and video-tag bubble? Answer The reason why event bubbling exists is solve the ambiguous question of which element is the
