I am not knowledgeable in nodejs or express, I have an API running on http://localhost:3000 and one of the endpoints call a function that uses file system to read file synchronously. When I make a post request on postman, it says in the console that it can’t read a path that doesn’t exist (which does to my understanding). Relevant code:
Tag: directory
Catch all routes in NuxtJS pages routing
I have this page route in NuxtJS: pages/_book.vue So that when I go to localhost:3000/my-book, params.book is equal to “my-book” as expected. However some books are nested deep inside several directories. I want to get the full route as params.book. These routes should be separated by “/”. For example, localhost:3000/finance/strategies/experts should make params.book equal to “finance/strategies/experts”. How can I achieve
Change localization directory base on local storage item
In a particular step in the React stepper component, I have to change the directory based on a steps language. Unfortunately in one of the steps, the text is hardcoded into the images which requires me to make this change. The app uses i18next for localization. Currently, all images for this step are rendered with this code: There is an
What is a Scratch File?
I am currently trying to figure out all the functions that my IDE has, and I have come across a predefined folder when I create a project that is called ‘scratches and consoles’. The IDE only allows me to create Scratch Files but I don´t know what that kind of file is and what Is its purpose. Could someone give
Node js post request without refreshing
Is it possible to complete a post request without redirecting or refreshing the page? I am making a simple file browser in browser. The client side shows the USB stick content of the server. You know, when I open a folder, I send a string to server with the path data, so the server can send me the current folder’s
How to direct user-uploaded files to a specific Google Drive folder
I am a programming novice, and turn to different codes and apps when I am faced with a problem and need a unique solution. I am an elementary computer teacher, and was looking for a way for students to upload files from home or from their phones, and into my Google Drive account. I found a solution on labnol.org1 using
How can I iterate through all elements of local (server-side) folder?
Basically, I have a very simple website where the root directory looks like: I want some way to recursively iterate through every file in the /images/ directory and display them in order in a section of my website. So for example, if /images/ contained: then somewhere in index.html would contain: My first idea was to do this using the document.write()