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Tag: dictionary

Javascript dictionary keys not updating within an axios request

I currently have the following code in my app: Where getUserData and getTestData interact w/ my external API. The getTestData endpoint returns something like {success: True/False, json: {String key: {time: UNIX time, value: float}}} After running this, I would thus expect testData to look like {CM10: [{x: time, y: value}]} for each value and time received in the API call.

JS Object Mapping Quesions

I’ve been trying to understanding this part of the code: at line 9. What does the “map[stack[stack.length-1]]” mean? At first I thought the map is an object, but I think you are supposed to add ” ” mark around the properties. Is map a data structure? if it is, How can I use this data structure? Answer Map is an

Javascript Mapping Array of Objects within an Array

I know there have been some similar questions before but I’m really stuck on trying to map the below array of information (I’ve tried to implement several example). I have an Array with two information fields and a third field that contains Arrays of objects. I want to extract the name of each of the objects into the original name

How Can I get the Map key by a certain value? E.g. Map.prototype.get -> key by the lowest value

Imagine my elementsMap has following key Value pairs: How can I get the key by the lowest value? For Maps, see: EDIT: Please do not convert it into an array ADDENDUM If I use finally TypeScript with the solution below, I get some troubles: I am not entirely satisfied with the answer but I don’t want to strain other
